The Land Use Board is an appointed board charged with making recommendations to the Township Committee regarding the boundaries of Knowlton’s residential, business, and planned commercial zones and recommending appropriate regulations to be enforced therein. The Board is responsible for reviewing all subdivision applications and larger development proposals requiring site plan review. Members participate in overall planning for the town and are involved in proposed changes to the Land Use and Subdivision Ordinances. They are advised by an attorney, the township engineer, and when needed, a city planner.
Knowlton’s Land Use Board consists of 11 members, who are appointed by Knowlton’s mayor. Annually one Land Use Board member is elected chairperson and another as vice chairperson.
Click for Land Use Rules
Click for Land Development Application
Click for Agendas, Minutes and Resolutions
When does the Land Use Board meet?
The Land Use Board meets once each month on the 4th Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. at the Knowlton Municipal Building. All meetings are open to the public, however, not all meetings include public hearings. If you wish to attend a meeting and/or speak at a meeting it is recommended you call the Board secretary, Doreen Apgar, at
496-4816 x6 to confirm meeting dates and times and to confirm the project you wish to speak about is scheduled for a public hearing.
How does one become a Land Use Board member?
Knowlton residents wishing to be considered for a Land Use Board position should fill out the volunteer application found on the main page of this website under “Forms.”
As positions on the Land Use Board become available, volunteer applications will be presented to the mayor and a volunteer will be selected and appointed.
Current Members
- Chairperson Clayton Taylor
- Vice Chairperson Adele Starrs
- Kathy Cuntala
- Rene Mathez
- James Mazza
- Joe Werner
- Nancy O’Neill
- Dave Smith
- Matthew Baley
- Tom Drake
- Tara Mezzanotte